California Fuel Cell Adventure

$11,615.00 Raised / $25,000.00 Goal

National Park Fundraiser

California Fuel Cell Adventure

California Fuel Cell Adventure

Our Story:

Down through the generations, a favorite family adventure has included a road trip to the National Parks. This is as it should be. We are reminded by the founding principles of the National Parks to "Preserve and Protect" these unique resources, while at the same time encouraging visitation by the public. I would venture to say that you, like my wife Bobbie and I, have treasured memories of the awe-inspiring sites you’ve seen while touring, "America's Best Idea".

Bobbie and I have recently retired. At this time in life, one must take stock not only of what has been accomplished, but also of what is unfinished. Admittedly, we are latecomers to the realization that we are leaving a dangerously warming planet to future generations. We believe that, if not addressed in the very near term, this poses an existential threat to the health and happiness of our children and grandchildren. For us, this is indeed our unfinished business. Together, we have made the decision to do our part to help mitigate the worst impacts of climate change.

We own a 2021 Mirai, a hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) that has only water as an emission. The EPA estimated range of this car is 402 miles. Refueling occurs at hydrogen stations, with a time to refill of about 5 minutes, the same as at a traditional filling station. There are currently 56 hydrogen fueling stations in the State, with the large majority of these located in urban areas. Station development proceeds at a rapid pace with a projected 176 public fueling locations available by 2026. Our plan is to spend three weeks this September visiting the nine National Parks in the State. As reflected in our touring plan, we will mostly refuel at one of the 56 established hydrogen stations. In order to be able to reach the most remote parks (Death Valley and Redwood) we will need to trailer the Mirai to within driving range of their respective Visitor Centers.

The purpose of our trip is two-fold:

  • First, to bring attention to a future where fuel cell cars will be used in a nearly synonymous fashion as the gas and diesel cars of today. At some point in the not-too-distant future there will be enough widely spaced hydrogen stations available to permit a family in a FCEV to visit the California National Parks, all parts of the State, and then the Nation.
  • The second reason is to support our National Parks in their challenge to raise public awareness of the extreme impacts that the changing climate is having on Park ecosystems.

All costs of the trip will be paid for by the estate of my parents. However, donations are certainly welcomed and encouraged. Funds will be directed to the National Park Foundation (NPF) where they will be used to address the most pressing needs of our National Parks. Additionally, we are happy to relate that a benefactor has offered to provide a 1:1 match for all donations made here, until the $25,000 goal is reached. The match amount will be provided separately to the NPF, where these funds will specifically be used for climate education and interpretation.

To be sure, we are not publicists (Bobbie was an elementary school teacher and I, a civil engineer), but during the trip we will do our best to talk to the public and local newspapers about the purpose of our trip. Brochures will be available describing tour-related topics and listing the donors. Interpretive sign(s) will be placed next to the car at Park Visitor Centers.

Thank you in advance for your support of our National Parks!

- Greg and Bobbie Cane                                                                               ver. AU0122_1102

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